Saturday 21 September 2013

Bhubaneshwar honour killing: Parents burn their daughter to death

Cases of honour killing are no more confined to Haryana. The practice of killing women and girls in the garb of saving honour of the family is being experienced in other cities also.


On Friday, an 18-year-old girl was allegedly burnt to death by her parents at Balakati on the outskirts of Bhubaneshwar. The victim identified as Umabharati Mallick wanted to marry a youth, identified as Nigamananda Mallick, of her choice. The parents were against the relationship.

Police reports reveal that it was the first such case in the state in recent times.

The victim’s parents have been arrested.

Police reports further revealed the scenes leading to the victim’s death. While the girl’s father had caught hold of her hands and legs, her mother gagged her mouth. She was then doused with kerosene and set on fire.

Two months ago, both Umabharati and Nigamananda had run away from their native place in Balasore district and stayed at Balakati. The victim’s parents who were unhappy over the incident met the duo and assured that they would be properly married off as per rituals and customs.

They then sent Nigamananda to the market place on the pretext of hiring an auto-rickshaw. When he left home, the couple forced their daughter to snap all ties with him. When she refused, they killed her.

A neighbour who saw smoke coming out of the house tried to enter the house, where the victim’s father tried to stop him. He forcibly entered and saw the girl burning. He attempted to save the victim by putting water on her and then informed the police and other locals.

During interrogation, the accused told police they had planned to escape after killing their daughter and implicate Nigamananda in the murder case.


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