Thursday 12 December 2013

India’s first supersonic jet, MIG-2, to be phased out by IAF on Wednesday

New Delhi: India’s first supersonic jet, the iconic MIG-21 FL  that dealt severe blows to Pakistan Air Force in the 1971 war, will be phased out from the IAF on Wednesday.Though the MIG-21s played a limited role in 1965, they had claimed four Pakistani F-104s, two F-6s, one F-86 Sabre and a Lockheed C-130 Hercules in the 1971 war.
The MIG-21s enabled an accurate attack on the house of the Governor at Dhaka that forced him to negotiate for an eventual surrender.Used extensively in the Kargil war, it was used due to its unmatched qualities of high agility, fast acceleration and quick turn-around.Read more

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